Welcome to Newsletter No. 12
Sorry it’s been so long!
Latest news from Kings College, London:
The Charlotte’s BAG Team at King’s College Hospital, London, are evaluating different approaches for mutation detection to allow tumour monitoring without removing tumour tissue. The Team are investigating a highly sensitive means of mutation detection which, it is hoped, will permit the detection of one molecule in 10,000-100,000. Such a means of detection enables oncologists to understand if surgery or therapy has been effective with out the risk of irreversible damage to the individual. Staff have been employed, consumables have been ordered and a company has been contacted for the acquisition of an instrument with which to carry out the research. The Team also intend to assess further whether it is possible to classify tumours from cerebrospinal fluid without removing tumour tissue. As a member of the Team stated, though very early days, ‘this technology could be the future of brain tumour diagnostics.’
Coronation Champion Award:
Alex had quite a surprise recently when she was named as one of the 500 winners of a Coronation Champion Award. Unfortunately, she was unable to take up one of her prizes – tickets to the Coronation Concert at Windsor Castle – owing to a busy schedule. She did however receive a Coronation pin and a signed certificate from the King & Queen to honour the achievement.
Click here to read more!
We have so far raised £274,449.06 since our launch in September 2016. Thank you so much to all who donate and spread Charlotte’s message. We have had many people raising funds this year which is appreciated especially owing to the current financial climate.
Our special thanks to Linda, Barnaby, Flora and David who between them raised a staggering £6405.
This year’s Team Charlotte challenge will see us walk from Petersfield to Hove. The challenge will be another all-nighter but this time over the South Downs. The walk is approximately 53 miles long. We will leave on 29th June at 12.30 pm and we are hoping to return by 2.00 pm on Friday the 30th.
If you would like to donate, please following this link. If you are unable to donate, sharing the link on social media is also hugely appreciated: https://www.gofundme.com/f/3rgpz7-46-mile-overnight-walk-for-charlottes-bag
With immense sadness, we announce that Nala, Charlotte’s cat, passed away on 23rd August 2022. Nala and Charlotte were inseparable. Nala was 18 years 7 months and 7 days, nearly as old as Charlotte was when she passed away. Nala will always be remembered for her gentle, curious and genuinely loving disposition. She really was a lovely cat!
We do, however, have a new addition. Three months following Nala’s passing, Alex decided she was ready for a new cat. So, as was the case when Nala was adopted, Alex and Miles headed to the RSPCA. There they found Tiger Lily! Tiger was only 11 months when they got her and she was incredibly shy and nervous. Over the course of the last 6 months, Tiger has blossomed into fuzzy ball of affectionate and curious energy. Tiger continues to come out of her shell and she now brings in ‘presents’ every other night.
Miles has completed his PGCE!
Last month, Miles finished his Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) in secondary school History teaching. It was an incredibly tough course with lots of late nights spent working. He is incredibly excited to start his career as a teacher!
Charlotte’s YouTube videos have now been viewed over a staggering 22 million times! The channel is now subscribed to by over 69,000 people. We are very pleased we didn’t take it down. Charlotte said of her YouTube account, just before her passing, “Nobody will ever be interested in a girl with a brain tumour.” I’m so glad she was proven wrong.
Form – Charlotte’s Bag website
Please take a look and register if you wish to comment. Our web designer, John, has made easy to understand steps of how to register by clicking here.
Twitter is our preferred social media platform and, as such, is updated most frequently. Please see this link for the Charlotte’s BAG account: https://twitter.com/alexeades1
Data Protection rules mean that we have to ask you to opt in to receiving this newsletter – so if you would like to continue receiving it by email, and haven’t already opted in, please can you send a quick email to info@charlottesbag.com saying ‘newsletter please’ in the subject matter and then we can add you to the new, General Data Protection Register-compliant list. (If you’ve already done it – thank you, and no need to do it again!)
With very best wishes and all our thanks
Alex, Miles
The Charlotte’s BAG team
Brighton Argus Charity of the Year 2017
Alex Eades: ITV Lorraine Inspirational Woman of the Year 2017
Alex Eades: The Sun Fabulous Female 2018
Alex Eades: BBC Radio Surrey and Sussex Fundraiser of the Year 2018
Alex Eades: Brighton Power 100 (87th) 2018
Alex Eades: British Citizen Award July 2019
Nala (Charlotte’s cat) Outstanding Rescue Cat – Cats Protection August 2019
Alex Eades: Brighton Power 100 (45th) 2019
Alex Eades: Points of Light Award March 2020
Alex Eades: Coronation Champion April 2023
Charlotte’s BAG
P O BOX 5439
Brighton BN50 8JR
© Copyright 2023 | Charlotte’s BAG | Registered UK Charity: 1169419