Welcome to Newsletter No. 10
Well, it’s been more than afew months since our last newsletter, and I think Covid-19 has stopped most of us in our tracks! Apologies, if this is a short newsletter but, because of the pandemic, there is not much to report.
News from Kings’ College, London
Miles and I had a conference call with the Charlotte’s BAG team based at King’s College Hospital, London. The biomedical scientist working in Charlotte’s Lab presented us with an update in regards to the research that Charlotte’s BAG is funding. The lab has made excellent headway; the research demonstrates that DNA methylation based classification of central nervous system tumours (those involving abnormal growth of cells on the brain and spinal cord) is a far more accurate means of diagnosing tumours and sub groups of tumours than current histological methods. Of 101 samples run in Charlotte’s Lab – samples funded via the kind donations we receive – 38% returned with redefined diagnoses (crucial in refining and tailoring treatment for specific tumour subgroups) following DNA methylation analysis. A further 6% returned with a changed diagnosis.
Charlotte’s Lab has demonstrated the feasibility of drastic improvements in result turnaround time. Where results currently might take up to a month to be returned to clinicians and patients, our DNA methylation analysis results can be made available in five days. This is a huge achievement. A massive thank you to all who have supported Charlotte’s BAG. It goes to show how much difference we can all make. Charlotte would be so proud.
We received the following piece of news only this week
We are delighted to say that work has now finished on the critical clinic-pathological study to integrate the genetics and the results of methylation array paediatric brain tumours . Work has been submitted to the European CNS and British Neurooncology, and has been accepted for presentation and Charlotte’s BAG will be fully acknowledged.
Points of Light Award
Alex had quite a surprise back in March 2020. She was awarded a Points of Light award. Points of Light are awarded to outstanding individual volunteers – people who are making a change in their community. Every week day, the Prime Minister recognises an inspirational volunteer with the Daily Point of Light award. Click here to learn more.
Fundraising, like for so many other charities, is slow due to the pandemic. We are immensely grateful to all those people who are continuing to donate to our charity PayPal account. In November, we were fortunate enough to have had donations totalling £8,000. An incredible amount!
We are hoping to have a charity event at school involving Years 7 – 10. The event will try involve as many students as possible. The plan is for them to walk a mile and to pop a pound in Charlotte’s bag for every mile walked. We are also hoping to organise a staff raffle. If anyone would like to donate prizes, please do contact us via the website.
We are delighted to announce that we have a new fundraising coordinator, Sophie Crowton. Sophie says ‘It’an absolute joy to be part of the Charlottes BAG family and I hope we can achieve great things’.
Forum – Charlotte’s Bag webste
Please take a look and register if you wish to comment. Our web designer, John, has made easy to understand steps of how to register by clicking here.
Charlotte’s YouTube channel trended in November 2020. Within a two week time period, her channel was viewed over 2 million times. In addition we received 8500 new subscribers. Charlotte’s channel has just reached 15 million views worldwide with a subscriber count of 51,400. When Charlotte passed, she had 4,000 subscribers. She would have been so happy to know that she has left such an incredible and wide-reaching legacy.
Data Protection rules mean that we have to ask you to opt in to receiving this newsletter – so if you would like to continue receiving it by email, and haven’t already opted in, please can you send a quick email to info@charlottesbag.com saying ‘newsletter please’ in the subject matter and then we can add you to the new, General Data Protection Register-compliant list. (If you’ve already done it – thank you, and no need to do it again!)
With very best wishes and all our thanks
Alex, Miles
The Charlotte’s BAG team
Brighton Argus Charity of the Year 2017
Alex Eades: ITV Lorraine Inspirational Woman of the Year 2017
Alex Eades: The Sun Fabulous Female 2018
Alex Eades: BBC Radio Surrey and Sussex Fundraiser of the Year 2018
Alex Eades: Brighton Power 100 (87th) 2018
Alex Eades: British Citizen Award July 2019
Nala (Charlotte’s cat) Outstanding Rescue Cat – Cats Protection August 2019
Alex Eades: Brighton Power 100 (45th) 2019
Alex Eades: Points of Light Award March 2020
Charlotte’s BAG
P O BOX 5439
Brighton BN50 8JR
© Copyright 2018 | Charlotte’s BAG | Registered UK Charity: 1169419