Coffee morning / Bake Sale
Coffee mornings provide a wonderful opportunity to get your friends, colleagues, and your wider community together to catch up, have a natter, eat cake and raise some money to help raise funds for Charlotte’s BAG.

School PTAs
Could Charlotte’s BAG Be your chosen charity for Non-Uniform Day, a Summer Fete, or Tombola Fundraising??

Corporate Partnerships
Being a corporate supporter for Charlotte’s BAG gives many benefits to our charity, as well as the companies which support us. No matter how big or small your organisation is, you can make a huge difference to the lives of those affected by Glioblastoma

Personal challenges
Try giving something up that you love, a year-long challenge (eg. 10,000 steps a day) or a head shave. How far can you push yourself?

Why not ask friends for a donation instead of presents or hold a collection? Host a tea party with your friends and family

Fundraise in memory
Raising funds in a loved one’s memory can be a meaningful way to celebrate their life. We know that this can be a difficult decision to make and want to give you all the support we can. Please contact us on xxxxx if you would like to discuss further.